February 21, 2023


Categories: Effective Communication, Video, Animation

When to Use Animation in Your Research Website

Conveying complex ideas and data can be challenging, especially when your target audience includes people who are not experts in your field. Visual aids like videos and animations can be powerful tools to help your audience understand your research and ideas. But which one is the right choice for you? In our previous article we discussed video. In this article, we’ll explore when animation is the right choice to convey ideas in your research website.

To Simplify Complex Data

Animations help simplify complex data by breaking it down into smaller, easy-to-understand segments. For instance, a research project that involves a complicated scientific process can be explained through an animation. A more visual presentation simplifies the information and makes it more accessible to the audience.

To Show Data in Motion

Animations are a great way to show data in motion, which can help explain the data’s behavior in a way that is more easily understood. For instance, an animation can be used to show how the Earth’s rotation affects the tides or how weather patterns develop in a specific region.

To Show Historical Progression

Historical data can be difficult to comprehend without visual aids. Animation can illustrate how a particular idea, technology or concept has developed over time. For example, an animation could be used to show the evolution of computing from the first computer to modern-day computing.

To Illustrate Abstract Concepts

Animations can also be used to illustrate abstract concepts that are difficult to visualize. For instance, an animation can be used to explain how sound travels or the abstract concept of how particles interact in physics.

Presenting Long Technical Passages

Technical research can be difficult to digest for non-experts, and long passages of text can be daunting. Animation helps break down these technical passages into more easily digestible segments, making them more engaging and easier to understand. Animations also help create a more engaging experience for your audience and keep them interested in your research.

Creating a Video Presentation Without Being on Camera

Not everyone is comfortable being on camera, and creating a video presentation can be intimidating. Animation is a great alternative to presenting on camera. It allows you to communicate your message without being in front of the camera. This can be especially helpful for researchers who want to present their work but may not have the resources or time to create a full video production.

Reaching a New Audience

An animation video can be an effective way to share your research with a new audience. People tend to be more drawn to visual content than written text, and animations can make complex ideas more accessible to a wider audience. Additionally, hosting your animation video on a platform like YouTube and sharing it on other social media platforms can help you reach new audiences and expand the reach of your research.

In conclusion, animation is a versatile tool that can be used to convey complex ideas in a simple, engaging way. Animations can be used to present technical passages in a more easily-digestible way, create video presentations without being on camera, and reach a new audience. By leveraging the power of animation, researchers can create engaging content that effectively communicates their work to a wider audience. Contact us today at Pendari to learn more about how we can help you convey your research through animation.